About Us
Mark Mettille is the owner and founder of M2 PEO Solutions a national PEO (“Professional Employer Organization”) consulting firm based in Dallas, Texas. Mettille is an author and public speaker to the construction industry and a member of the Board of Directors for (CFMA) Construction Financial Management Association along with being a member of various other construction organizations. M2 specializes in assisting companies in the construction and blue collar trades. As an independent consulting firm our focus began with, and remains on the labor intensive markets. This is where we have developed our expertise over the years and where we’ll remain for the future. By building strong relationships with our clients and offering them the resources they need with the outstanding customer service they deserve, we provide an avenue for them to grow and become more profitable by using a PEO.In order to give exceptional service, M2 consultants continue to personally oversee their client accounts and provide a single point of contact even after the customer has chosen their PEO provider. This is done to ensure optimum care and to continuously monitor the client’s satisfaction with their PEO provider.