Why Contractors Should Consider Partnering With A PEO – Part 3: HR Expertise
Most construction owners would probably admit that they don’t know each of the nearly 200 Federal labor laws currently enforced by the Department of Labor, and they aren’t always familiar with the most recent changes that happen every year. Understanding the intricacies of employment laws like the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), Family Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”), Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA”), or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”), can be mind-numbing at best. How many owners truly know if they are 100% compliant with all the employment laws which they are expected to conform? Unfortunately, many owners don’t have a degreed Human Resources (“HR”) professional on staff to rely on for help, nor can they afford one. That’s when one misstep as an employer can negatively and significantly impact the course of your company’s financial future. PEOs help by giving continuous HR support and by developing specific employee handbooks for their clients. This allows owners to sleep better at night knowing they have a team of HR professionals working with them to solve problems when they inevitably arise.
About M2 PEO Solutions
M2 PEO Solutions is an independent consulting firm that helps construction and blue collar companies find PEOs (“Professional Employer Organizations”) who have expertise in the labor intensive industries. We help solve employment problems for business owners in the areas of Payroll, Workers’ Comp, HR, Safety/Risk Management, and Benefits Administration.